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Uncover the secrets locked in your soul to create a life or business that is as EPIC as you truly are

Hey, I’m Patricia North. Life and Business (energy) strategist.

I’ve been around the block a bit with my 25-year stint working in a soul-sucking corporate job. (I mean this literally - it was soul-sucking to the point that I developed fibromyalgia!) I did project management and evaluated business processes and strategies while working in corporate chaos. 

Now I use my experiences and energetic gifts to help people create lives, relationships, and businesses they are in love with. I left a job and began working for me over 12 years ago. I love what I do and am passionate about helping people bring sustainable transformation to their lives and entrepreneurial-based businesses.

When we source our soul into all our creations, life gets really juicy.

I am a little woo and a lot of practical because if we want to change life experiences, we must take aligned (to our soul) action. Kick the old mindsets to the curb and incorporate behaviors that are congruent to our unique soul-level expression.

And we have fun while exploring your unique soul-level wiring, how you are (literally) designed to create which is different for everyone. I teach you how to leverage your soul's unique energetic qualities to create abundance and manifest with more ease. I gather all this priceless info from your Akashic Records and use this information as a roadmap for your unique coaching program.

I love hanging out with my fam, not making rigid plans, and love being spontaneous.   I have a female rescue dog named Sullivan.  I get high off working in my gardens and being around water.  I love to drive in the country and get lit up when I see cows.  My favorite breakfast food is chai with cream and honey.   

Click below and let’s have a chat about your vision + what you want to create next in your life or business.